Since 2014, we’ve published over 150 recipes (and counting) on Sichuan food and other regional Chinese cuisines. Now you can search our recipe site by ingredients, categories, region and more to find exactly what you need. For more detailed category and Pantry How-To information, navigate through the main menu above.

Sichuan Pantry Compatible Recipes

The Complete Sichuan Pantry comes with a premium mainland version of every specialty ingredient needed to cook classic Sichuan food, in addition to nine recipe cards for the most-loved dishes of Chengdu and Chongqing. From long-aged ferments to handcrafted liquid umami to top-grade, single-origin, packaged-to-order spices and seed paste, the Complete Sichuan Pantry is designed to impress chefs and serious home cooks. You won’t find better outside, or inside, China.

Tried-and-true recipes compatible with The Mala Market’s Complete Sichuan Pantry Collection.

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